Friday, May 21, 2010

Great Guacamole

If you want a guacamole recipe that is creamy and full of flavour - search no more.  I make a triple batch of this and use for quesadillas as well as plain with baked nacho chips.  You can also freeze for future use.  Figure about 1/2 large avocado per person. Pick ones that give to mild pressure but are not mushy. If you can't find any that are ripe, get hard ones and keep them in a paper bag for a couple of days until they ripen.



  1. Cut the avocado in half, scoop out the flesh with a spoon; mash 3/4 of it well and chop the remaining 1/4 coarsely (I do this with the spoon, in the avocado shell, before scooping the last bit out).
  2. Mix it into the mashed portion.
  3. Mix all remaining ingredients together.
  4. Serve immediately, or cover with plastic wrap, pressing wrap firmly to surface of guacamole (or it will turn color due to oxidation) and refrigerate up to 4 hours before serving.
10 min | 10 min prep


1 comment:

  1. I am going to make this tomorrow - sans olives. Yum, yum, yum. I do love a good recipe for something simple but sooooo tasty.
